“All necessary steps are being taken to shed light on the fire in Bolu”

Addressing AK Party’s provincial congress in Ankara, President Erdoğan, as regards the hotel fire in Bolu, said: “The administrative and legal investigations have been launched into the cause of the fire. To that end, six public prosecutors and a commission of experts have been appointed. All necessary steps are and will be taken to shed light on the incident with all its aspects and to bring all those responsible to account.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the party’s 8th ordinary provincial congress in Ankara.
Drawing attention to the hotel fire in Bolu, President Erdoğan said: “In the aftermath of the fire disaster, we have rapidly sent our Minister of Interior, Minister of Health, Minister of Labor and Social Security, and Minister of Culture and Tourism to carry out and coordinate necessary works. We have received regular information from Bolu Governor’s Office and AFAD Presidency concerning the extinguishment of the fire and the evacuation of those stranded. Fire cooling works have begun, and the administrative and legal investigations have been launched into the cause of the fire. To that end, six public prosecutors and a commission of experts have been appointed. All necessary steps are and will be taken to shed light on the incident with all its aspects and to bring all those responsible to account. We are all feeling great grief. I wish Allah’s mercy upon our brothers and sisters, who have lost their lives in this tragic incident, and a speedy recovery to the injured, and extend my condolences to Bolu and our country.”
Stressing that the founder, the owner and the protector of AK Party, which was founded on August 14, 2001, to serve the Turkish nation’s centuries-long cause of civilization, is the Turkish nation themselves, President Erdoğan stated that their debt of gratitude is only to the nation, and noted: “I would like to always bear this fact in your minds. We owe a debt of not only gratitude to our nation but also of life. The projects and services we have introduced so far in our country are not enough to pay this debt. We must do more, we must do better, we must do more beautiful.”
“We will sweat blood, remain sleepless and get tired under the gravity of this burden on our shoulders, but we will inshallah neither embarrass nor sadden our nation. I expect you to work with this understanding,” President Erdoğan said.