President Erdoğan signs Declaration of Goodwill for ‘Global Commitment to Zero Waste for the World, Our Common Home’ in New York

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan put the first signature on the Declaration of Goodwill for ‘Global Commitment to Zero Waste for the World, Our Common Home’ at the Turkish House in New York as part of the ‘Path to the Global Zero Waste Movement’ led by First Lady Emine Erdoğan.
President Erdoğan signed the document online, which has been opened for signature globally for the first time today at
In brief remarks to the ceremony, President Erdoğan stated that he put an important signature for the future of humanity, and added: “By signing the Declaration of Goodwill for Zero Waste, we have taken a stance for a cleaner, greener and more livable world.”
The Declaration of Goodwill for ‘Global Commitment to Zero Waste for the World, Our Common Home’ reads as follows:
“We, the undersigned:
Recognising the need to promote the efficient use of finite resources, reduce and eliminate waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse, among others, in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
Acknowledging the strong link between sustainable waste management, resource efficiency and climate change,
We commit ourselves to implement sustainable waste management practices,
We pledge to promote the zero waste approach worldwide and share best practices for its wider recognition and application,
Moreover, we pledge to support initiatives, campaigns, programs, projects and activities that promote zero waste in order to encourage a responsible waste production and consumption,
We commit to sharing the best practices and lessons learned from projects such as Zero Waste Project of Türkiye, encouraging the development of similar policies on waste management,
We call for UN Member States, UN System entities, and members of the civil society, private sector, media, as well as local authorities to align strategies, approaches and programmatic responses to help accelerate a global transition to circular economy and reduce the adverse impact of waste on climate change.”