President Erdoğan spoke at the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women" program

Speaking at an event held for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, President Erdoğan said: “We will patiently continue our march until we achieve our goal of a violence-free Century of Türkiye that by no means allows violence against women.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and First Lady Emine Erdoğan attended an event held at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Speaking at the event, President Erdoğan stated that nearly 50 thousand Palestinians have died a martyr’s death in the Israel’s attacks on Gaza that started 14 months ago, and said: “Over 70 percent of the Palestinians, who have lost their lives, is unfortunately innocent children and women. The biggest victim of the Israeli aggression that has extended to Lebanon is also women and children. The wild-eyed Netanyahu administration is brutally murdering countless women, children, the elderly and babies every day like serial killers who enjoy killing. This massacre, this oppression has been continuing for 14 months before the silent and indifferent eyes of the world. In the face of the barbarities of this network of massacre, the proud and dignified women of Palestine set an example to the whole world, to all women with their resolute fight, with their noble stance that does not bow down to oppressors and with their faithful hearts that build hopes and resistance under the bombs.”
Underscoring that he would like to convey a message to Gazan, Palestinian and Lebanese women, on whom international organizations, media, and Western countries, which constantly lecture the world on human rights, have turned their backs, President Erdoğan noted: “As is the case with all the women that face violence, we are in full solidarity with you as well. Türkiye, with our state and nation, with all our women and men, with our 85 million citizens, stand with you. No matter how severe the conditions you are under, please never forget that the hearts of not only our sisters at this hall, but of all the women in Türkiye beat for you. They all pray our Lord for you and for the salvation of Palestine.”
President Erdoğan added that ignoring the Zionist lobby’s pressures, they will always show their reaction and defend the right to live of the women of Gaza, Palestine and Lebanon.
Stressing that they have and will take if need be all kinds of measures in order for new February 28s to not occur in Türkiye and in order for women to not face similar bullying, and said: “We will patiently continue our march until we achieve our goal of a violence-free Century of Türkiye that by no means allows violence against women. Those, who use violence against women, their mothers, wives or daughters, or discriminate against, alienate or exclude them, have no right to speak of humanitarian, conscientious or sacred values.”