President Erdoğan attends groundbreaking ceremony of post-earthquake houses in Kahramanmaraş

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony of the post-disaster and village houses in Kahramanmaraş.
Wishing Allah’s mercy upon our citizens who lost their lives in the February 6 earthquakes, which were described as the disaster of the century, and extending his condolences to their relatives, President Erdoğan said: “I also wish Allah’s mercy on our brothers and sisters who died in the floods in Şanlıurfa and Adıyaman, and offer my condolences to their families.”
Noting that Kahramanmaraş is among the provinces that suffered the heaviest loss of life and property in the February 6 earthquakes, President Erdoğan said: “In addition to the two major earthquakes, the aftershocks alone, which neared 20 thousand, are sufficient to demonstrate the magnitude of the disaster we faced. The disaster, which caused damage to nearly 307 thousand buildings and 893 thousand independent units throughout the region, is engraved in our memories as one of the most painful events of our history with the loss of more than 50 thousand lives.”
Stating that the new houses will be built in safe locations, not exceeding ground plus 3 or 4 floors, and village houses will meet the local people’s needs with their barns and gardens, President Erdoğan said: “While we revive the residential and commercial areas in the city center in an earthquake-resilient way, we are preparing our new residences as tranquil settlements with social facilities.
Just as we have built one million 180 thousand solid houses and 3.3 million urban transformation projects with the Housing Development Administration (TOKİ), Emlak Konut and our contractors in the past 20 years, and just as we have recovered the damage caused by earthquakes, floods and fires all over our country in a short time, we will heal the wounds caused by these earthquakes in the same way in a short time.”