President Erdoğan held a joint press conference with Somali President Mahmud and Ethiopian Prime Minister Ahmed

Speaking at a joint press conference with President Mohamud of Somalia and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia, President Erdoğan said: “We have reached an important stage in the Ankara Process, which we launched about eight months ago as a result of the confidence that Somalia and Ethiopia have placed in our country. By overcoming certain resentments and misunderstandings together, we have taken the first step towards a fresh start between Somalia and Ethiopia based on peace and cooperation.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a joint press conference with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia.
Voicing his pleasure to host his guests at the Presidential Complex, President Erdoğan said: “We have reached an important stage in the Ankara Process, which we launched about eight months ago as a result of the confidence that Somalia and Ethiopia have placed in our country. By overcoming certain resentments and misunderstandings together, we have taken the first step towards a fresh start between Somalia and Ethiopia based on peace and cooperation. As a symbol of our principled stance to ensure the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of countries, it is our main expectation to ensure peace and stability in this distinguished corner of Africa.”
Recalling that the foreign ministers have met twice since May, once in Ankara and once at the Turkish House in New York on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly, President Erdoğan said: “In addition to these face-to-face meetings, we also had many contacts by phone. Throughout the process, we have listened carefully to the concerns, priorities and expectations of the parties. With the valuable contributions of both countries, we have produced the text of the joint declaration that we have agreed on today. The joint declaration focuses on the future, not the past, and records the principles that these two friendly countries, which are of great importance to us, will build from now on. I sincerely congratulate my dear brothers for reaching this historic agreement with great devotion and thank them for their constructive attitude.”
President Erdoğan pointed out that the region where Somalia and Ethiopia are located had bright eras in history and made significant contributions to humanity, despite having suffered many injustices and serious conflicts in the past.
Pointing out that the people in the region have always displayed the wisdom to overcome difficulties, President Erdoğan said: “I believe that the joint declaration, just agreed on, will serve as a solid foundation for cooperation, economic development and prosperity on the basis of mutual respect in the region in the period ahead. This is also the duty and responsibility of statesmen to future generations. The consensus we have announced here is the product of such a vision. From now on, we will decide on the next steps together and implement projects that will enhance the peace and prosperity of the people in the region.”
Thanking President Mohamud of Somalia and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia, President Erdoğan said: “Especially in line with Ethiopia's demands for sea access, I hope that after the first meeting we had today, they will continue this, and I believe that Sheikh Mahmud will give the necessary interest and support for sea access. This world is enough for all of us. We will definitely take our place here together. And inshallah, we will take the necessary steps together.”