President Erdoğan met with NGO representatives in Rize

Speaking at a meeting with NGO and sector representatives in Rize, President Erdoğan said: “Türkiye has become the conscience of humanity by standing against oppression. We have taken action for our brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine without hesitation, without mincing our words or caring who said what.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at a meeting with NGO and sector representatives in Rize.
Pointing to the developments in Türkiye’s environ, President Erdoğan said: “As a nation, we wake up almost every day to a new crisis developing in our region. Russia and Ukraine are our two neighbors across the Black Sea. Unfortunately, the war between these two neighbors has been going on for 2.5 years.”
Noting that thousands of people were killed, cities destroyed and children orphaned in the Russia-Ukraine war, President Erdoğan said: “No one has benefited from this bloodbath except the Western war barons. They are still adding fuel to the fire and doing their best to fan the flames. We are working for the restoration of peace and stability. We have always done this from the first day. We have always endeavored for this. We have prevented this fire from spreading to the Black Sea by acting fairly and following a balanced policy between our two neighbors.”
Emphasizing that those, who criticized, even provoked Türkiye when the conflicts started, now acknowledge that Türkiye is right, President Erdoğan said: “The same goes for our brothers and sisters in Gaza who are being subjected to genocide. Since October 7, Türkiye has become the conscience of humanity by standing against oppression. We have taken action for our brothers and sisters in Gaza and Palestine without hesitation, without mincing our words or caring who said what. In terms of humanitarian aid, we are the country that sent the largest amount of aid to Gaza. In all international meetings we participated in, we brought up the massacres committed by Israel in Gaza.”
Pointing out that the Western world has failed miserably in this process and that they have sided with Israel at the expense of violating the values they claim to advocate, President Erdoğan said: “The other day, we all watched those disgraceful scenes in the US House of Representatives. Frankly speaking, we were ashamed of what we have seen there in the name of humanity. When we thought of the people waiting in line for food, the children shot while sleeping in their tents, the babies killed in hospital incubators, we truly felt a great embarrassment. Once again, we witnessed that immutable truth, as aptly put by Mehmet Akif; ‘That monster you call civilization that has only one tooth left’. Let me say this clearly here; Rolling out the red carpet for someone like Netanyahu, going even further and applauding his lies until their palms swell, is a major abdication of reason for America.”