President Erdoğan shares iftar with soldiers

Speaking at an iftar with soldiers at the Turkish Armed Forces Humanitarian Aid Brigade, President Erdoğan said: “Although some circles keep waffling to stir up fitna, we are well aware of the works selflessly carried out by our soldiers in the earthquake zone. I extend my gratitude to all our soldiers, from commanders to privates, assigned for debris removal, relief and security works.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with soldiers during an iftar dinner at the Turkish Armed Forces Humanitarian Aid Brigade in the Sincan district of Ankara.
Speaking at the dinner, President Erdoğan said: “Although some circles keep waffling to stir up fitna, we are well aware of the works selflessly carried out by our soldiers in the earthquake zone. I extend my gratitude to all our soldiers, from commanders to privates, assigned for debris removal, relief and security works.”
Drawing attention to political crises, conflicts, wars and tensions in Türkiye’s near environ, President Erdoğan noted: “Some societies and states that have been unable to achieve their 1,000-year-long designs on our nation refuse to accept the fact that Türkiye is the owner of these lands. No one has the courage any longer to directly attack our country as was the case in the First World War or during the national struggle, but they never refrain from such asymmetric attacks as using terrorist organizations, trying to cause political or social chaos, or setting up economic traps.”
Further stressing that Türkiye, obviously, was not a mere onlooker to all this, President Erdoğan pointed to the successful operations on the southern borders and beyond.