President Erdoğan spoke at the 162nd anniversary program of the Court of Accounts

Addressing an event marking the 162nd foundation anniversary of the Turkish Court of Accounts, President Erdoğan said: “The Turkish Court of Accounts, with its expanded jurisdiction and authority, has acquired during our governments all the components and methods of supreme audit utilized by modern states of law. While others have talked big and abused this issue for years, we have taken the Turkish Court of Accounts to the level it deserves.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at an event marking the 162nd foundation anniversary of the Turkish Court of Accounts.
Noting that the Turkish Court of Accounts oversees the expenditure of taxes, public revenues and resources in Türkiye, President Erdoğan said: “The Turkish Court of Accounts plays a critical role in ensuring that public resources are utilized in accordance with regulations. Audits performed by the Turkish Court of Accounts have gained more importance given the fact that saving and efficiency in the public sector have come to the forefront in today’s world. No institution - be it central government or local administration - which spends the people’s taxes can engage in such an extravagance that would hurt the heart of our people.”
President Erdoğan stated: “Türkiye is not a country that possesses unlimited oil, gold, diamonds or natural gas like others. We are a nation that has to produce, work and endeavor to survive. We have no other choice but to efficiently and effectively utilize the means and resources at our disposal. We cannot view saving in the public sector merely as the cutting of expenditure. In financial terms, utilizing fewer resources is certainly one aspect of it. However, it is also important to allocate the existing resources for efficient services and offer them with the lowest budget possible. We aim for more successful services with fewer resources.”
Stressing that while public resources are utilized in the most economical manner, a wide range of dimensions are taken into consideration, including the restructuring of business processes of institutions, the utmost use of technology, the most efficient employment of personnel and the reviewing of administrative structures, President Erdoğan stated: “It is important to us that the Turkish Court of Accounts both reviews our institutions in these respects and puts forth proposals that would expand their horizons. We have reinforced through laws we have enacted the status of the Turkish Court of Accounts, which as you know is an auditing body equipped with judicial powers as stipulated by our constitution. We have placed all civilian and military public institutions, state economic enterprises, and every institution that uses public resources including municipal companies under the scope of the Turkish Court of Accounts’ auditing. The Turkish Court of Accounts, with its expanded jurisdiction and authority, has acquired during our governments all the components and methods of supreme audit utilized by modern states of law. While others have talked big and abused this issue for years, we have taken the Turkish Court of Accounts to the level it deserves.”