President Erdoğan spoke at the 26th Annual Consumer Awards Ceremony

Speaking at the 26th Traditional Consumer Awards Summit, President Erdoğan said: “The use of goods and services produced in Türkiye makes a significant contribution to our country's economy, increases our employment, and reduces foreign dependency, which is our most vexing issue. The importance of domestic production is better understood by our nation day by day.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the 26th Traditional Consumer Awards Summit in Ankara.
Stating that the first item on the agenda of the Cabinet meetings has always been the reconstruction activities in the quake-hit region, President Erdoğan said that they have always given priority to the recovery of the region in the road maps they have prepared for the economy as well as in the Medium Term Programme and added: “In the additional budget we submitted to our Parliament, we allocated TL762 billion to the region. In 2024, we will allocate TL1 trillion for the quake-hit region.”
“In the next three years, we will use a total of TL3 trillion for the reconstruction of our quake-hit cities. The construction of our post-earthquake residences continues rapidly. We are rebuilding our workplaces and commercial buildings that were destroyed in the earthquake. Apart from the houses, we will build 170 thousand independent commercial sections in the earthquake zone,” President Erdoğan said.
Underlining that the global economy was dragged into an unprecedented vortex with the coronavirus pandemic, President Erdoğan said: “Production was disrupted in almost every field, supply chains were broken, global trade almost came to a halt for months. Türkiye is one of the countries that managed the pandemic crisis in the most successful way in all its dimensions, including employment, trade, production and tourism.”
“With a wide range of supports and incentives, we ensured that the wheels kept turning without interruption. We displayed the same attitude during the global economic crisis triggered by the Russian-Ukrainian War. We implemented an economic model based on growing our country through investment, employment, production, exports and current account surplus,” President Erdoğan said.
“Another issue we need to emphasize is the protection of domestic production and the prevention of waste,” President Erdoğan said. “The use of goods and services produced in Türkiye makes a significant contribution to our country's economy, increases our employment, and reduces foreign dependency, which is our most vexing issue. The importance of domestic production is better understood by our nation day by day. The share of consumers who say they prefer domestically produced products increased by nearly 7 points to 69.2 percent within a year. We hope that our nation's confidence in domestic production will reach an even better level. We expect both the private sector and our citizens to take part in the government's moves to prevent waste, its zero waste policy and to encourage domestic production.”
“As Türkiye, we have no other way out than to produce, export and strengthen our trade with high value-added products,” President Erdoğan said. “If we want to increase our exports to $300 billion in the next 3 years, our tourism revenues to over $70 billion and our economic size to $1.3 trillion, if we want to increase the national income per capita to around $15 thousand, all 85 million of us will work harder, save more and, especially minimize waste.”