President Erdoğan spoke at the 9th International Memorization and Holy Quran Reading Competition Award Ceremony

Speaking at the Award Ceremony of the 9th International Holy Quran Memorization and Fine Recitation Competition, President Erdoğan said: “The Gaza genocide has removed all the masks in the world. The Israeli administration’s disregard for the law has once again reminded us that the values the West claims to be defending for decades are completely empty. As the Islamic world, whose population nears two billion, we unfortunately couldn’t perform well in the test in Gaza and Lebanon.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the Award Ceremony of the 9th International Holy Quran Memorization and Fine Recitation Competition at the Presidential Complex.
President Erdoğan said: ““We are going through days of shame for humanity and civilization as 50 thousand innocent individuals are being brutally murdered and 2 million individuals confined to a small inch of land are incessantly being bombed. Words fall short of describing the state of insanity we have been witnessing since October 7, 2023. Another fact that is as painful as the ongoing massacre is the weakness the institutions and organizations we have been directed to for years have now ended up in. Blinded by Zionist delusions, the Israeli government has taken hostage not only the United Nations Security Council but all the structures whose duty is to protect peace, human rights, freedom of press, and democracy.”
Children have been subjected to genocide, snipers have used two- or three-year-old babies as target boards, and journalists have been killed with bullets during live broadcast for 13 months in Palestine, stressed President Erdoğan. “Many more murders like these, which make humanity ashamed of its humanity, are being committed. Yet, international organizations with staff numbering tens of thousands and with budgets worth billions of dollars do not raise any objections. No effective and deterrent steps are being taken to stop the enemy of humanity called Netanyahu and to hold the massacre network accountable. This is the collapse of humanity. This is the declaration that the law of jungle has replaced the international law. This is the clearest expression of the fact that the global system, formed in the aftermath of the World War II, has dissolved itself. Let me speak openly. The Gaza genocide has removed all the masks in the world. The Israeli administration’s disregard for the law has once again reminded us that the values the West claims to be defending for decades are completely empty. We all see that what they call civilization is nothing but a one-tooth monster. My brothers and sisters, I have to express the following truth even though it tears my heart apart: As the Islamic world, whose population nears two billion, we unfortunately couldn’t perform well in the test in Gaza and Lebanon. We couldn’t prevent our 50 thousand brothers and sisters from getting minced in the killing machine of the Zionist regime.”
“Regrettably, aside from a limited number of nations, the Islamic community has not shown a robust response. It should not be forgotten that this fragmentation is also recorded in history,” stressed President Erdoğan, noting that the approaching winter this year will be harsher than ever for those bearing the whole burden of the war, particularly for those in Gaza and Lebanon.
Warning that the Israeli government will try to break the resistance that it couldn’t break with bombs and missiles by depriving people of food, medication and water, President Erdoğan stated: “It will try to bring the honorable children of Palestine to their knees by blocking the passage of humanitarian aid. During this winter, it will do every evil to the two million people whom it already condemns to living in conditions similar to Nazi concentration camps. We must take action to prevent humanity from hitting its lowest point. We cannot leave our brothers and sisters alone and helpless in the face of this banditry. I invite all people, first and foremost my benevolent nation, whose hearts beat for Palestine and Lebanon, to extend a helping hand to the innocents. May Allah be with the oppressed in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.”