President Erdoğan spoke at the "Istanbul Fast-Breaking Gathering"

Speaking at an iftar event in Istanbul, President Erdoğan said: “Israel, which is an inhuman terror state, has been nefariously massacring our Gazan brothers and sisters for 168 days, ignoring whether they are children, women, elderly or civilians, and has been carrying out a genocide more brutal than the ones in the Second World War. And international organizations and institutions, the United Nations in particular, are merely watching this barbarity of the Israeli administration except simple reactions.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with representatives of the business world during an iftar event in Istanbul.
Speaking at the meeting, President Erdoğan said: “Israel, which is an inhuman terror state, has been nefariously massacring our Gazan brothers and sisters for 168 days, ignoring whether they are children, women, elderly or civilians, and has been carrying out a genocide more brutal than the ones in the Second World War. And international organizations and institutions, the United Nations in particular, are merely watching this barbarity of the Israeli administration except simple reactions.”
Underscoring no other actors, except for Türkiye and a few countries, raise their voices at Israel and its western supporters, President Erdoğan noted: “We as Türkiye work in cooperation with our friends in the region to help the oppressed people of Gaza, and relieve at least a bit of their distress.”