President Erdoğan spoke at the Istanbul Mukhtars Meeting

Speaking at the 54th Muhktars Meeting in Istanbul, President Erdoğan said: “We will enhance Türkiye on the basis of democracy, brotherhood, justice and freedoms, as we have done until today. And I believe that we will do this with your support, my mukhtar brothers and sisters.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the 54th Muhktars Meeting in Istanbul.
“We will enhance Türkiye on the basis of democracy, brotherhood, justice and freedoms, as we have done until today. And I believe that we will do this with your support, my mukhtar brothers and sisters,” President Erdoğan said.
Noting that the conflict in Syria, which began 13 years ago and has claimed the lives of 1 million people, has yet to be resolved, President Erdoğan said that the war between Ukraine and Russia will reach its 4th year in February.
Pointing out that Iraq, another neighbor of Türkiye’s, is still struggling with the scourge of terrorism, and that in many European countries, Islamophobic and xenophobic racist parties are either rising to power on their own or are partners in coalitions, President Erdoğan said: “Words fail to describe the massacres which have been going on in Gaza for the last year, and which spread to Lebanon last month. 50,000 innocent people, mostly women and children, have been massacred in front of the eyes of the whole world. More than 100 thousand people have been wounded. Approximately 2 million people in Gaza and more than 1 million in Lebanon have been forced to leave their homes and the lands they have lived in for years. The US, Europe and the United Nations Security Council have gotten played like a fiddle in the hands of a crazed criminal called Netanyahu. 20 thousand children have died. Not one of them could come out and say 'this is despicable'. Tens of thousands of women died, women's rights organizations didn't say a word. 175 journalists died, the international media didn't care a whit. We could not see any of those, who camped in Taksim for a month during the Gezi incidents, in Palestine or Lebanon. They kept their silence, they cowered, they were afraid. They trampled on all the values they stood for to support Israel. They have done nothing but pat Israel on the back and applaud the Israeli government after its treacherous political murders. Everyone with reason and conscience sees this.”
“Surely, Israel's lawless occupation forces are responsible for the massacre of 50,000 innocents. However, those who give unconditional support to the Israeli government and send arms and ammunition are also openly complicit in this massacre,” President Erdoğan said.
“We have always been the ones who stepped forward in the Islamic world and all over the world to uphold what is right. We have worked to fulfill our duty as a man and brother to the Palestinian people, to the children of Gaza, to the Palestinians who defend their land at the cost of their lives,” President Erdoğan said.
President Erdoğan noted that Türkiye stands by the Palestinian people with all its means in their struggle for dignity and freedom against the genocidal network.
Saluting once again all the leaders and members of the Palestinian resistance, who have become epic not only with their exemplary endeavors but also with their martyrdoms, and all the heroes who shed their blessed blood for the lands of Gaza with, President Erdoğan said: “I wish Allah’s mercy on my brother Ismail Haniyeh, the last elected prime minister of Palestine, and also on Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, who was martyred recently. We believe with all our hearts in the following promise of our Lord: ‘Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for. Rejoicing in Allah’s bounties.’ I commemorate with mercy all the martyrs of Palestine, all our martyrs who have reached the highest rank in the eyes of Allah.”