President Erdoğan takes oath at GNAT

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was re-elected President in the elections on May 28 with 52.18 per cent of the votes, was sworn in at the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (GNAT).
Welcomed with a military ceremony by Acting GNAT Speaker Devlet Bahçeli upon his arrival at the parliament, President Erdoğan inspected the Presidential Guard of Honor and proceeded to the General Assembly Hall with his wife, First Lady Emine Erdoğan, through the Gate of Honor.
Upon his arrival at the General Assembly Hall, President Erdoğan was welcomed with standing ovation by MPs and other invitees. Acting Speaker Bahçeli presented his certificate of election to President Erdoğan.
President Erdoğan took oath under Article 103 of the Constitution, saying: “In my capacity as President of the Republic, I swear upon my honor and dignity before the great Turkish nation and before history to protect the existence and independence of the state, the indivisible integrity of the country and nation, and the sovereignty of the nation without restriction or stipulation; to abide by the Constitution, the rule of law, democracy, the principles and reforms of Atatürk, and the principle of a secular republic; not to deviate from the ideal of all enjoying human rights and basic freedoms in peace, prosperity and in a spirit of national solidarity and justice; to preserve and enhance the glory and honor of the Republic of Türkiye and to work with all my strength to perform with impartiality the functions that I have assumed.”
Afterwards, President Erdoğan, MPs and invitees sung the Turkish national anthem, the Independence March.