President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the Economy Awards Ceremony of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Speaking at the BTSO’s Economy Awards Ceremony, President Erdoğan said: “Despite the ongoing hot conflicts in our region, Türkiye’s star is rising more than ever. Türkiye, which was once known only for crises and coups, has now made a name for itself with its economic growth and diplomatic moves.”
Underscoring that the lasting environment of confidence and stability ensured in politics lied behind the story of success Türkiye had been making over the past two decades, President Erdoğan said: “Thanks to this important achievement, our country, despite all the attacks, from terrorist organizations to international powers, from coup attempts to street demonstrations, has been able to overcome all kinds of crises. Türkiye is now capable of making mid- and long-term programmes for the first time, and what is more of implementing them.”
“Despite the ongoing hot conflicts in our region, Türkiye’s star is rising more than ever,” President Erdoğan noted, and added: “Türkiye, which was once known only for crises and coups, has now made a name for itself with its economic growth and diplomatic moves. With this achievement, Türkiye is a source of inspiration for not only its region, but also for all the oppressed peoples from Africa to Asia. And we as the government are proud of making our country the lead actor of such a transformation in such a short period as 20 years. We will inshallah continue to work until we build the Century of Türkiye, and leave a much more prosperous country to our children.”