Presidential High Advisory Board convenes under chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara

The Presidential High Advisory Board on Thursday discussed anti-Türkiye propaganda, mainly originating from Europe, under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Erdoğan and members of the Board held a two-hour closed-door meeting at the presidential complex in Ankara where they discussed propaganda against Turkiye from abroad, especially in Europe, and measures to be taken against it, according to a statement by Communications Director Fahrettin Altun.
The board evaluated the activities of foreign foundations and similar organizations in Türkiye, according to the statement.
Board members pointed out that there is an increase in the level of hostility toward Türkiye from Europe.
They also emphasized that there is an "inconsistent, unfair, and hypocritical attitude" in Europe toward Türkiye on the issues of Ankara's EU accession process, the fight against terrorism and asylum seekers.
Members agreed to take steps against disinformation originating from social media and provocations aimed at harming Türkiye's national unity.
The president said the "political and social allergy" against Türkiye in Europe has deep historical roots and expressed that "Europe displays its ethnic and religious fanaticism by hiding behind concepts such as democracy, human rights and freedoms."
“Those who have signed many fascist practices on rights and freedoms, disguised as the rule of law, are in the exact opposite disgrace against us," said Erdoğan, according to the statement.
"We know very well the intention behind the demands of those who turn their backs on even the most humane demands of our citizens in Europe, to run as they wish in our country. The reason for their anger against us is that they could not repeat the game they played in our country where they disrupted the social and territorial integrity and collapsed the state system," he added.