“Terror is an enemy of law and democracy”

Addressing AK Party’s 8th Ordinary Provincial Congress in Mardin, President Erdoğan said: “We haven’t allowed the separatist organization to usurp our cities and municipalities by exploiting the means provided by democracy. All must accept that terror is an enemy of freedoms, law, and democracy. Democracy and terror cannot exist side by side.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the party’s 8th provincial congress in Mardin.
Recalling that supporters of the terrorist organization, encouraged by their masters, attempted to carry out a surgical operation on the lands of Türkiye in the past, President Erdoğan pointed to previous efforts to tear many districts, including Nusaybin, Dargeçit and Derik, away from the country through the ditch terror, and said that the state foiled this treason.
President Erdoğan continued: “As a result of the heroic fight of our security forces, we buried the separatist terrorist organization’s city bandits in the ditches they had dug up. Not settling for this, we took all necessary measures to ensure that the resources the nation earns through hard work and then provides to municipalities are never again utilized in the service of terrorists’ traitorous goals. We maintain our determination on this issue today as well. We provide all kinds of support to those who wish to engage in politics on a legitimate basis within the framework of laws, and who wish to serve the nation and the country. Without discriminating between political parties, we consider it our duty to support anyone who works to serve their cities.”
“We have neither violated others’ rights nor allowed the nation’s rights to be violated. We haven’t allowed the separatist organization to usurp our cities and municipalities by exploiting the means provided by democracy,” President Erdoğan said. “All must accept that terror is an enemy of freedoms, law, and democracy. Democracy and terror cannot exist side by side. Nowhere in the world can there be mayors elected by the people on one side and murky figures the terrorist organization appoints to municipalities on the other.”