“The Century of Türkiye is a comprehensive roadmap that will raise our country above the level of contemporary civilizations”

Speaking at an event marking the 161st foundation of the Turkish Court of Accounts, President Erdoğan said: “Leaving aside all our differences, we as the 85 million will celebrate with great enthusiasm the centenary of our Republic. Together we will witness the magnificence of the century-old bridge we have built from the past to the future.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at an event marking the 161st foundation of the Turkish Court of Accounts in Ankara.
“We will inshallah mark the 100th foundation anniversary of our Republic on October 29, 2023,” President Erdoğan said, and added: “Leaving aside all our differences, we as the 85 million will celebrate with great enthusiasm the centenary of our Republic. Together we will witness the magnificence of the century-old bridge we have built from the past to the future.”
Underscoring that they are heading for new horizons while leaving behind the first century of the Republic, President Erdoğan noted: “We want to turn this important anniversary into the beginning of a brand-new vision that will leave its mark on our next century. It is called the Century of Türkiye. The Century of Türkiye is a comprehensive roadmap that will raise our country above the level of contemporary civilizations. The Century of Türkiye is the resolution to make our nation’s century-old dreams come true and march towards even greater goals. The Century of Türkiye is the manifestation of the 85 million joining forces and building their future with the spirit of the Independence War. We as the 85 million will inshallah gradually realize this vision in harmony. Our nation had already taken the first step of this with the Parliament on May 14. And, they clearly showed with the decision they had made on May 28 that they have embraced the Century of Türkiye.”
Further stressing that they will not be able to feel at peace until they achieve Türkiye’s goals and leave next generations a country in which they will live happily and in prosperity, President Erdoğan stated: “Therefore, it is very important to establish a harmonious cooperation among the state bodies, together with the legislative, executive and judicial branches.”
Stating that they have carried out a big mentality revolution over the past 21 years in Türkiye, President Erdoğan went on to say: “As a result of long-term efforts, we have ensured that all the institutions of the state work in harmony in a unity of goals, aims and understanding. We have made after many years the principle of, ‘Let the people live so that the state lives,’ the prevailing paradigm of our state once again. This is the secret that lies behind the success story Türkiye has written in the past 21 years. As Türkiye has torn apart its shackles, it has gained great momentum in every area. It is how our nation has after many years acquired the services they longed for for a long time. It is how our democracy has obtained its maturity level admired by the entire world. It is how the successful fight against murderous terrorist organizations that have threatened the lives of our people for decades has been put up. It is how Türkiye has become a country closely followed in the global politics. It is how our economy has achieved an average growth of 5.5 per cent annually despite all the crises in the world. It is how Türkiye has glided from one success to another in every area, from employment to tourism, transportation to education, healthcare to defense industry.”