“The doors to a new era of prosperity are opening up in our region”

Addressing AK Party’s provincial congress in Mersin, President Erdoğan said: “The era of those who have been freely wreaking havoc across our region through a policy of divide and rule for a century is now over. No matter who says what, a century-long plot is being foiled. The winds of brotherhood, peace and stability are blowing and the doors to a new era of prosperity and development are opening up in our region.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the party’s 8th ordinary provincial congress in Mersin.
President Erdoğan said: “The social richness of Mersin requires it to closely concern itself with every development in the country and the region. For instance, the collapse of the 61-year-old Baath regime and the accession of a new and inclusive administration to power in Syria will have implications for Mersin, too. That is so because this is a welcoming city that still hosts over 183 thousand Syrian immigrants with temporary protection status. Some of our Syrian brothers and sisters will of course return to their home country and will rebuild their homes and businesses in Syria. As Syria recovers and as the traces of oppression and destruction fade away, immigrants will start to return home from our country as well as the whole world. Yet, as we always say, both our hearts and our doors will remain wide open to those who opt to stay.”
Underscoring that Türkiye, unlike tyrants, does not forcibly displace anyone, President Erdoğan stated: “We don’t arbitrarily make the life unbearable for anyone. We will not allow a few impertinent racist fanatics to cast a shadow over the solidarity between Türkiye and Syria. We will support every endeavor aimed at securing Syria’s political unity, territorial integrity, social peace, and reconstruction. We see that there is a great interest and confidence in Türkiye. A smile appears on the face of our Syrian brothers and sisters whenever Türkiye is mentioned, which we regard as a very valuable gain for our future.”
“Either by disarming terrorist organizations or by eliminating them, we are determined to prevent the implementation of new scenarios against Syria. We have zero tolerance particularly for the terrorist organization YPG, which currently occupies one-third of Syria. We will soon begin to take steps to settle this issue once and for all. Since the regional interests and aspirations of the powers the terrorist organization relies on have now changed, it will no longer be able to find anyone under whose shadow it can take shelter and get emboldened. The Europeans should first resolve their own issues before attempting to set a direction for our region,” President Erdoğan said.
Drawing attention to the new era taking shape in the region, President Erdoğan stated: “The era of those who have been freely wreaking havoc across our region through a policy of divide and rule for a century is now over. No matter who says what, a century-long plot is being foiled. The winds of brotherhood, peace and stability are blowing and the doors to a new era of prosperity and development are opening up in our region. From now on, the future of the region will be shaped by the ancient peoples of these lands and all decisions pertaining to the natural resources will be at the discretion of the true owners of this region. No one can prevent this. Syria’s Foreign Minister and Defense Minister came to visit me together a couple of days ago. After meeting with me, they came together with our Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and Head of Intelligence. That is the case because we are preparing for Syria’s future.”
President Erdoğan noted: “The new era will open a new window of opportunities before Mersin, too. Our city should start its preparations for this era. Likewise, the peace tried to be established through a ceasefire in Gaza will change the political and social atmosphere in the region. The Gaza case is an evidence of the impossibility of prospering through oppression. The oppression Israel commits in Gaza and other Palestinian cities also causes harm to Jews across the world. That is so because after Israel’s massacres of women, children, and innocents, no one will now approach this community with the embarrassment caused by the genocide inflicted upon them during the World War II.”
President Erdoğan continued his remarks as follows: “There is now a thought in everyone’s mind that Israel, when it gets the opportunity, might murder all people except its own members. Indeed, fanatic Zionists do not hesitate to recklessly express their views supporting this idea through religious and ideological arguments. The country they target the most is Türkiye and the nation they target the most is the Turkish nation because we are the state and the nation that stand against this oppression in the strongest manner. We have shouted out the truth without getting afraid of anyone, without hesitating, and without mincing our words. We consider it a religious responsibility and national duty to rush to the aid of all the oppressed and victims wherever they are in the world, and to stand against oppression both with our hands, our tongues, and our hearts. May Allah help us to pass down this quality, which we have inherited from our ancestors, to future generations in a stronger manner.”