“Türkiye has become a playmaker in international relations”

Addressing the 14th Ambassadors’ Conference, President Erdoğan said: “Türkiye has become a playmaker country which has recently left its marks on international relations, and whose involvement as well as contribution are sought and attitude is closely followed in many critical issues.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed the 14th Ambassadors’ Conference held at the Presidential Complex.
“Being strong both at the table and on the ground is not an option for us but an obligation. And the road to achieving this goes through a constructive, active and balanced foreign policy,” stressed President Erdoğan, and said: “With Türkiye-centric analyzes, we, as meticulous as a master chess player, involve in the developments in our region and beyond. Just as we do not seek tension, we, with a dignified, patient, determined and prudent stance, never bow down to pressures from whomever they come. We intend to defend Türkiye’s interests by using all the means of diplomacy and all the elements of hard and soft power. To that end, our efforts to grow bigger our network of embassies and consulates continue within the framework of our state’s priorities.”
President Erdoğan continued as follows: “Also, our preparations at home to overcome the shortage of human resources and improve the physical conditions of our Ministry continue as well. We will rapidly take the steps that will meet the needs on these two issues in particular in the upcoming period. We will definitely achieve the capacity, physical means, human resource and mental codes that will allow our Ministry to successfully run the foreign policy of our vision of the Century of Türkiye.”
“It is our very efforts and moves that lie behind the Turkish diplomacy’s rising star at global scale. Türkiye has become a playmaker country whose involvement and contribution are sought and whose attitude is followed in many critical issues that have recently left their marks on international relations,” President Erdoğan said.