“We are striving to provide our earthquake victims with permanent housing as soon as possible”

Speaking in the quake-hit Afşin district of Kahramanmaraş, President Erdoğan said: “We are striving to provide our earthquake victims with permanent housing as soon as possible.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Chairman Devlet Bahçeli of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) inspected the ongoing relief and recovery efforts in the Afşin district of Kahramanmaraş.
Wishing Allah’s mercy to the people who lost their lives in the earthquakes and a speedy recovery to the injured, President Erdoğan said: “With our public institutions, municipalities and non-governmental organizations, we are trying to get our district back on its feet as soon as possible. We see that the wounds in Afşin have started to be healed rapidly after the earthquake as is the case throughout Kahramanmaraş. Until today, the tents needed in our district and its villages have been distributed. In addition, infrastructure works for the installation of a total of 842 containers are ongoing. There are no problems with food supply, drinking water, electricity and other needs.”
“We are striving to provide our earthquake victims with permanent housing as soon as possible,” President Erdoğan said. “We cannot bring back the lives we lost, but we will compensate for all of our material losses in our district. I am asking you to trust in your state and your government. No matter how great our pain, our faith and will are just as strong.”