“We are trying to bring together all our 85 million people on the same common ground”

Addressing AK Party’s 8th Ordinary Provincial Congress in Şanlıurfa, President Erdoğan said: “We reject the separation of our nation on the basis of origin. We reject the division of our people based on beliefs. We reject the otherization of our citizens based on their lifestyle. We are trying to bring together all our 85 million people on the same common ground without excluding anyone, without neglecting or offending anyone.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the party’s 8th ordinary provincial congress in Şanlıurfa.
“We always have and always will defended brotherhood. We will never allow those who try to turn us against each other. I want everyone to know that; we reject the separation of our nation on the basis of origin. We reject the division of our people based on beliefs. We reject the otherization of our citizens based on their lifestyle. We are trying to bring together all our 85 million people on the same common ground without excluding anyone, without neglecting or offending anyone,” President Erdoğan said.
“Today, the joy of Aleppo is the joy of Şanlıurfa. The victory of Hama, Homs and Damascus is also the victory of Şanlıurfa. The victory of our Syrian brothers and sisters is also our victory as their neighbors, even though those who cannot rejoice at the end of the Baath atrocities cannot accept it. Everyone should now understand and accept this. As Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens, we are all one and together. We are all children of the same land, the same history, the same future. We are all branches of the same plane tree, wayfarers in the same love,” President Erdoğan said.
Pointing to the scenarios implemented through the separatist organization for 40 years, President Erdoğan said: “The shelf life of this dirty game has expired. The era of those who exploited our region through terrorist organizations is over. The era of using terror as a weapon, a tool and a pawn is completely over. The separatist terrorist organization has brought nothing but blood, tears and pain to these lands. It has brought nothing but discrimination, racism and oppression. Let me say very clearly and unequivocally that nowhere can be reached through terrorism. There is no result that can be achieved through violence. There is no goal that can be achieved through bloodshed and slaughter. It has been clearly seen that no results can be achieved through terror. The separatist organization has no choice but to dissolve itself. Terror and democracy cannot coexist.”
Underlining that terrorism and politics cannot coexist as well, President Erdoğan said: “At this historical crossroads, the choices have narrowed. On one side there is legitimacy, law, democracy, development, prosperity and peace; on the other side there is more instability, tension and unrest. On the one hand, there is the Century of Türkiye where brotherhood prevails; on the other hand, there are the bloody scenarios of imperialists. My brothers and sisters from Şanlıurfa can rest assured. Either those guns pointed at our country will be buried or those who point their guns at Türkiye will be buried. Other than that, there is no third way, no alternative.”
Stating that they want to end terrorism and the dark shadow of terrorism to be completely removed from the country and the region, President Erdoğan said: “We want our shared geography to be marked not by tension and instability, but by economic, commercial and humanitarian cooperation. In these lands where we have lived side by side in peace for thousands of years, we want the sun of brotherhood to warm the hearts instead of the cold face of terrorism. As the ancient owners of Damascus, Aleppo, Hasakah, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Kirkuk and Baghdad, we want to get rid of the scourge of terrorism. Inshallah, we will achieve this.”
Emphasizing that a great consensus has emerged among political parties, President Erdoğan said: “There is hope for the end of terrorism and the consolidation of our brotherhood. A very favorable atmosphere has emerged. We find this positive atmosphere on the political scene very valuable. Of course, those who benefit from terrorism are and will be disturbed by this. But with the help of Allah, the support and sincere prayers of our beloved nation, we will definitely achieve the goal of a terror-free Türkiye. We are determined and resolute in this regard, and we are in consensus as the People's Alliance. It is our wish, of course, that this be realized calmly and peacefully. But if the wrong path is taken, if previous mistakes are repeated, if maximalist goals are pursued, then we will do what we have to do. Here, I would like to remind the foreign powers, who pontificate by putting the separatist organization and our Kurdish brothers inside and outside our borders in the same basket, that we have forgotten more than you ever knew. If you have a plan, we also have a plan. Whatever you do, you cannot disrupt our brotherhood. You will not be able to come between us, you will not be able to implement your divide and rule plans again as you did a century ago.”
Pointing to the recent investments in Şanlıurfa, President Erdoğan said: “With the Ankara-Niğde Highway, we have established a 1230-kilometer-long uninterrupted highway connection from Edirne to Şanlıurfa, thus ensuring Şanlıurfa's safe access to major metropolises such as Gaziantep, Adana, Ankara and Istanbul, as well as to Eastern Mediterranean ports. Work is also underway on 17 different road projects such as Kahta, Narince, Siverek road, Şanlıurfa Suruç road, Viranşehir Ring Road, Ceylanpınar-Kızıltepe road. We will also build a new 320-kilometer-long highway between Şanlıurfa and Ovaköy as part of the Development Road Project. With this project, we will ensure uninterrupted transportation of cargo, coming from East Asia and Persian Gulf countries to the Faw Port, which is being built in the south of Iraq, via Türkiye to every country in Europe, all the way to London.”
Stating that they plan to start the construction of the 136-kilometer-long Gaziantep-Şanlıurfa railway within a year, President Erdoğan said: “We are also concluding the 180-kilometer-long Şanlıurfa-Mardin High-Speed Railway Project, which is a part of the Development Road, where passenger and freight transportation will be carried out. With these projects, we will create an uninterrupted high-speed railway network from Şanlıurfa to Edirne and increase Şanlıurfa's logistics capacity and ensure its integration into the national railway network.”