“We have always spoken the language of brotherhood”

Addressing citizens in Hatay, President Erdoğan said: “We have always united and embraced all of our 85 million people, never divided or discriminated against anyone. We have always spoken the language of brotherhood, not the language of hatred, grudge or anger.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed citizens at a container city in the quake-hit Hatay.
Thanking all the citizens in Hatay for the May 14 elections regardless of their political preferences, President Erdoğan said: “You have upheld your will and your future despite many difficulties. You have embraced life again despite all the destruction caused by the earthquake. You have not given in to the office seekers who wanted to drag our nation into their bottomless darkness. You have not fallen for the games of the merchants of sedition who tried to divide our people as 'Kurdish-Turkish' and Nusayri-Sunni'. You have never stained the eternal and eternal brotherhood of our nation. May Allah be bless all of you, all the people of Hatay.”
Highlighting the importance of the citizens of Hatay going to the polls and manifesting will through their democratic ways after the devastating disaster that happened 3 months ago, President Erdoğan said: “The will that emerged from the ballot box, even if by a very small margin, is most welcome.”
“In our 40 years of political life, we have never been one of those who have sparred with the nation,” President Erdoğan said. “Similarly, we have never looked down on the people during our 21 year-long administrations. We have never threatened or insulted our people after any of the 15 elections, all of which we won with victory. We have always united and embraced all of our 85 million people, never divided or discriminated against anyone. We have always spoken the language of brotherhood, not the language of hatred, grudge or anger.”