“We have made Türkiye an island of stability in its region”

Addressing citizens in Kocaeli, President Erdoğan stressed that they have repelled the putschists and dealt the heaviest blow to terrorist organizations of their history in the past 21 years, and noted: “Despite the wars in its environ, we have made Türkiye an island of stability and security in its region.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed citizens at the party’s rally in Kocaeli.
Underscoring that Türkiye has reached these days as a result of huge efforts, President Erdoğan said: “None of our achievements has been handed us on a silver plate. None of the means we have in democracy, economy as well as rights and freedoms has been bestowed on us. In the past 21 years, we as the nation have faced many challenges, many setbacks, and have been exposed to many overt/covert sabotages.”
Further stressing that Türkiye has survived such grave disasters that it would be impossible for any other country or nation to recover from, President Erdoğan noted: “Most recently, we were tested by two earthquakes, which were described as the disaster of the century, during which we lost over 53 thousand loved ones of ours in one night on February 6, and which caused $104 billion worth of damage. Endless thanks be to Allah, we have successfully overcome all these challenges. We have reduced tutelage, repelled the putschists and dealt the heaviest blow to terrorist organizations of their history in the past 21 years. Despite the wars in its environ, we have made Türkiye an island of stability and security in its region.”