“We have worked to strengthen our unity and solidarity”

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Adana July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge, President Erdoğan said: “While making up for a century-old democracy and development shortcomings of our country, we have worked to strengthen our unity and solidarity.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed via videoconference the opening ceremony of Adana July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge.
Noting that they work round the clock to heal the wounds of Adana as well as the other cities hit by the earthquakes on February 6, President Erdoğan went on to say: “We will inshallah revive all our cities in the earthquake region within a year by means of 650 thousand new houses we will build. In this regard, we are building a total of 14,930 new homes, 12,492 of them residences and 2,438 village houses, for our brothers and sisters living in Adana.”
“Our nation has been fed up with the past days of backwardness, terror, chaos and oppression,” President Erdoğan stated, and added: “While making up for a century-old democracy and development shortcomings of our country, we have worked to strengthen our unity and solidarity.”
Underscoring that Adana, the city of industry, trade, agriculture and energy, should take its rightful place in the Century of Türkiye with its production capacity, President Erdoğan said that they, with every investment they make and every project and service they introduce in the city, are striving for it.