“We mobilize all means of the state for our youth wishing to serve our country and nation”

Making a speech at the 3rd International Theology Youth Meeting, President Erdoğan stressed the importance Türkiye attaches to supporting projects that generate value for young generations, and said: “We mobilize all means of the state for our youth wishing to work, produce, realize themselves, pursue their dreams, and serve our country and nation.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the 3rd International Theology Youth Meeting and Theology Stars Awards Ceremony in Istanbul.
Voicing his joy to be coming together with the youth, who are the architects and assurance of the future, President Erdoğan said: “I hope the Theology Youth Meeting, the third of which is taking place this year, may lead to auspicious developments for the nation and the theology community.”
“We see the success of each one of our brothers and sisters present here right now as a torch that brightens our path to building the Century of Türkiye. With this understanding, we consider it our duty to support every kind of projects that contribute to, and generate value for, the young generations, Türkiye’s primary human capital. We highly value every person, institution and voluntary organization that endeavors to raise individuals who are beneficial for the homeland, nation and the Ummah,” President Erdoğan stated.
President Erdoğan further stressed: “Our primary responsibility is to support works that broaden our youth’s horizon and vision. As has been thus far, we will continue to stand with all the youth of our country in the future as well together with you.”
“We mobilize all means of the state for our youth wishing to work, produce, realize themselves, pursue their dreams, and serve our country and nation,” said the President. “We are determined to create a climate in which none of our youth have their rights denied or have to worry about the future.”