“We placed the principle of ‘strong women, strong family, strong Türkiye’ at the center of our vision for the Century of Türkiye”

Speaking at the 7th Ordinary Provincial Congress of AK Party’s Women’s Branch in Istanbul, President Erdoğan said: “We have placed the principle of ‘strong women, strong family, strong Türkiye’ at the center of our vision for the Century of Türkiye. We have declared 2025 as the ‘Year of the Family’.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and First Lady Emine Erdoğan attended the 7th Ordinary Provincial Congress of AK Party’s Women’s Branch in Istanbul. President Erdoğan delivered a speech at the event.
“The LGBT perversion is encouraged and promoted in many areas by the barons of global culture. In many Western countries, it is almost impossible to object to this perversion, which has become so brazen as to legitimize child abuse. It is imperative that we keep our nation away from this insanity that is wanted to be imposed on our lives in a wide range of areas from cinema to fashion, from digital media to literature, from politics to civil society,” President Erdoğan said.
Underlining that Türkiye will continue to be one of the standard-bearers of the fight against this perversion that is getting more and more out of control day by day, President Erdoğan said: “In fact, our beliefs, culture and even our language are absolutely incompatible with such a sexist discrimination. In our country, women have always been considered and treated as an integral part of the family and society, and women have always been highly respected. In many of our folk songs, the expressions about men and women are words that do not contain sexist distinctions and only refer to human beings. The concepts of man and woman in our Turkish language also never refer to a sexist distinction, but only to the difference in gender.”
“Neither destroying the institution of the family, nor eliminating the line between men and women makes us modern. It only makes us playthings of imperialists and globalists. You see, while marriage rates are falling rapidly, divorce rates are rising at the same rate. The desire of our young people to have children has decreased to such an extent that we are now facing simulations that our population will start to decline as of 2035 and will fall to 65 million in 2100. Do we need a more striking example to see the danger?” President Erdoğan said.
“We have placed the principle of ‘strong women, strong family, strong Türkiye’ at the center of our vision for the Century of Türkiye. We have declared 2025 as the ‘Year of the Family’. We will support our children at every stage of their lives, from birth to all levels of their education, from getting a job to getting married and protecting their children. We will carry out an uncompromising fight against all kinds of threats to the mental and physical health of our children and youth,” President Erdoğan said.