“Access to clean water resources is a matter of survival”

Addressing the opening ceremony of newly-built hydraulic facilities, President Erdoğan said: “Access to clean water resources is a matter of survival. Delays can be compensated for in many areas; however, even the slightest delay in the water issue will lead to irreparable consequences. With this understanding, we, as Türkiye, are taking critical steps across a broad spectrum.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the mass opening ceremony of 564 facilities built by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) in Ankara.
Since water resources are so limited, water is an extremely valuable and strategic resource, underlined President Erdoğan. “However, water is still seen as an unlimited resource in many parts of the world, including our country. This is a completely false, unfounded and dangerous approach. Water is not unlimited, and quite the contrary, it is a resource which depletes, runs out and pollutes day by day, and which gets more valuable as it diminishes. Global warming, climate change, drought, desertification, unplanned industrialization and urbanization negatively affect our water resources. Along with all this, threats such as fast consumption culture and water pollution cause our water resources to shrink rapidly.”
Drawing attention to the reckless use and unconscious consumption of resources as the main cause of the degradation in nature, President Erdoğan noted: “We have to see water, soil, air, and forests not as resources to be exploited carelessly, but as a wealth we are to pass on to future generations.”
President Erdoğan said: “Access to clean water resources is a matter of survival. Delays can be compensated for in many areas; however, even the slightest delay in the water issue will lead to irreparable consequences. With this understanding, we, as Türkiye, are taking critical steps across a broad spectrum. We are among the countries lending the greatest support to the fight against climate crisis.”
Noting that countries of the Mediterranean basin, including Türkiye, are the ones most exposed to the devastating impacts of climate change, President Erdoğan stated: “We work to raise social awareness through our tree planting mobilization and our campaigns that encourage saving. In a similar fashion, we aim to prevent wasting and to use our resources more efficiently with the Zero Waste Project. We will determinedly continue our efforts until we achieve our 2053 Net Zero Emission target.”