“No one can hinder the rise of the sun of the Century of Türkiye”

Addressing citizens in Şırnak, President Erdoğan said: “No one will be able to hinder the rise of the sun of the Century of Türkiye. We are not only more determined now, but also stronger.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed citizens at the party’s rally in Şırnak.
Underscoring that the separatist terrorist organization is a tool inflicted on Türkiye in order for the order of oppression sought to be built through one party fascism, President Erdoğan stressed that they, with the democracy and development revolutions they have carried out over the past 21 years, have foiled this insidious game with all its elements both at home and abroad, and added: “And now, with the security corridor we have begun to form along our southern borders, we are completely preventing the fire around us from spreading to our country. We are keeping imperialists and their pawns at a distance by drawing a line between our borders and terrorist organizations used to drag Türkiye into this fire.”
Stressing that they will achieve much more than that if they continue to protect their unity and solidarity and to prevent their climate of stability and security from getting harmed, President Erdoğan asked citizens to ignore doom-mongers, and said: “Türkiye has a clear path, horizon and fortune ahead. Rest assured that no one will be able to hinder the rise of the sun of the Century of Türkiye. We are not only more determined now, but also stronger.”