“We will introduce a civilian constitution that will unite the Republic with true democracy”

Speaking at the AK Party’s 4th Extraordinary Grand Congress, President Erdoğan said: “Just as we have brought down the walls between the Republic and the nation, we will introduce a civilian, libertarian and inclusive constitution which will unite the Republic with true democracy in our country.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at the party’s 4th Extraordinary Grand Congress in Ankara.
President Erdoğan said: “We will deliver on all the promises which we have made to our nation, to consolidate the climate of security and stability as well as to increase our people’s prosperity in particular. Just as we have brought down the walls between the Republic and the nation, we will introduce a civilian, libertarian and inclusive constitution which will unite the Republic with true Democracy in our country.”
Underscoring that they will not only revive the cities hit by the February 6 earthquakes, but also rebuild and rejuvenate all the residential areas under the threat of earthquake, President Erdoğan noted: “We will eradicate the insidious activities which, by supporting deviant political, social and individual movements, aim to destroy our national identity, institution of family and values.”
Stressing that they will not let anyone drag the nation, especially the youth, into despair through fake news and false statements, President Erdoğan stated that they will not allow any single citizen to get hurt, and added: “We will determinedly implement our strategy of, ‘eliminating terror at its source,’ and bring bloody murderers, from PKK and FETO to DAESH and marginal groups, for each drop of blood they have shed. We will never lessen the fear our warning, ‘We can come one night all of a sudden,’ is instilling in the hearts of the villains who threaten the future of our country. We will ensure that each and every citizen of this country benefit at the highest level from all kinds of services, justice, security, education and healthcare in particular, from birth to death.”