President Erdoğan: We act in accordance with Türkiye’s interests

President and Justice and Development Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the party’s group meeting at the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye.
President Erdoğan said: “The bomb attack that took place in Istanbul’s İstiklal Street has been brought to light with its perpetrators and their connections. The terrorist that had placed the bomb and a great number of others who had aided and abetted her were caught wherever they had been inside or outside our country and brought to justice. Whoever is involved in this act from the top to the bottom will be found wherever they are, duly brought to account, and punished.”
“Türkiye has now the strength and capability to identify, catch and punish the terrorists involved in attacks against our country and nation, and all who aid and abet them inside or outside our borders,” President Erdoğan noted.
Underscoring that the recently-intensified attacks both inside Türkiye and along the border line were related to the plots laid by the terrorist organization and those who unleashed the terrorist organization on Türkiye against Türkiye’s future, President Erdoğan added: “The intention of those who pull the strings of the terrorist organization as well as of the groups that follow a similar direction to its is evident. That our country marches towards its goals in security and stability annoys them. That our country freely takes its own political and economic decisions annoys them. That our country transforms global crises into an opportunity annoys them. That Türkiye consolidates its regional leadership annoys them. Particularly, our nation’s 1,000-year-long presence in Anatolia annoys them. What is more they do not bother to hide all the annoyance they have, but openly voices them.”
Underscoring that same mentality and same enmity lied behind all the injustices Türkiye was faced with, President Erdoğan went on to say: “We have experienced this during the prevention of our full membership to the European Union. We have experienced this during the F-35 crisis that occurred between us and the U.S. We have experienced this when the air defense systems were disassembled and taken away while missiles were dropping on our borders. We have experienced this in every debate in the Mediterranean, from Cyprus to the energy agreements. We have experienced this when our sacrifices to save the lives and honor of the millions of innocent people have been ignored.”
Noting that on almost every international platform, the indications of this mentality were witnessed, President Erdoğan said: “Obviously, like everyone else, we have our own game plan, too. In light of the lessons we have drawn from the past, we act in accordance with what Türkiye’s interests require. While doing that, we do not hesitate to respond to the incidents that push the limits of our patience.”