“The Republic of Türkiye is now much stronger with all its political, economic and military capabilities”

Speaking at Victory Day Concert, President Erdoğan said: “Today, the Republic of Türkiye is much stronger and much more advanced than it was a quarter century, half a century, a century ago, with all its political, economic and military capabilities. When we say that we will make Türkiye one of the 10 largest, strongest and most prosperous states in the world, we count on this infrastructure, this level, this equipment.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the Victory Day Concert at the Presidential Complex.
Underlining that those who do not know where they come from and where they have been cannot not know where they are going, President Erdoğan noted that some people in Türkiye are persistently trying to push the nation into pessimism with delusions, some of which are lies, some of which are false, and some of which are distortions.
“Those who ignore our millennia-long presence in our geography and try to portray everything as merely the moment we live in are never innocent,” President Erdoğan said. “With the support of global communication channels, a false image of Türkiye is being constructed both inside and outside the country.”
“However, this is not the real picture at all. Of course, we have troubles, problems and issues to solve today, as we did yesterday, and we will have them in the future in different forms. But today we are also living in the most advantageous period of the last two centuries in terms of infrastructure and management capacity. Today, the Republic of Türkiye is much stronger and much more advanced than it was a quarter century, half a century, a century ago, with all its political, economic and military capabilities. When we say that we will make Türkiye one of the 10 largest, strongest and most prosperous states in the world, we count on this infrastructure, this level, this equipment,” President Erdoğan said.
“The era of those who sucked the energy of the country and the nation with heroic rhetoric for years, who presented their own cowardice and weaknesses as the politics of the state is over,” President Erdoğan underlined. “We are now advancing on our path to build the Century of Türkiye by relying on the vision of its administration, the power of its state, and the wisdom and sagacity of its nation.”