“Urban transformation is a necessity for our country”

Speaking at the AFAD–DSİ Flood and Overflow Risk Reduction Protocol Ceremony, President Erdoğan said: “For our country, where 71 percent of the population resides in places with high earthquake risk, urban transformation is a necessity rather than a choice.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the AFAD–DSİ Flood and Overflow Risk Reduction Protocol Ceremony in Ankara.
Noting that Türkiye’s shortcomings in disaster readiness must be remedied, President Erdoğan said: “The transformation of the unsound and unhealthy structures invading our cities, especially Istanbul, is of vital importance. For our country, where 71 percent of the population resides in places with high earthquake risk, urban transformation is a necessity rather than a choice.”
“In our eyes, getting prepared for disasters is a matter above politics. Let me be clear; all we care about is to let our people live. Our aim is to provide a prosperous future for our citizens,” President Erdoğan said.
“We do not want to see any more suffering, more destruction and more tears because of neglect, political rivalry, laziness or greed,” President Erdoğan said. “I want it to be known that we as the government will provide the necessary support to all kinds of projects that will ensure the safety of our people and their properties such as urban transformation, flood and overflow risk reduction, stream rehabilitation and afforestation.”