“We are taking firm steps towards our goal of a country that designs, produces and exports technology”

Speaking at TEKNOFEST 2024, President Erdoğan said: “We are taking firm steps towards our goal of a country that not only uses technology, but also designs, develops, produces and exports it.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at TEKNOFEST 2024 in Adana.
“TEKNOFEST shows us very clearly that external dependence, making do with assembly work, living in need of others is not the destiny of our country. Remember, TEKNOFEST is a youth epic. TEKNOFEST is a technological revolution. TEKNOFEST is the strong voice of idealistic youth sprouting in fertile Anatolian soil,” President Erdoğan said.
Highlighting that the region is going through the most distressing days of recent years, President Erdoğan said: “Tension, conflict and wars are destroying our region from within. As a nation, as humanity, we follow the massacres in Gaza and Lebanon with deep sorrow.”
“It has been nearly a year since the Israeli attacks on Gaza began,” President Erdoğan said, noting that nearly 50 thousand people, mostly women and children, have been massacred brutally by the Zionist Israel.
Pointing out that some 100 thousand people have been wounded in Israeli attacks, President Erdoğan said: “Cities have been reduced to rubble. Israel first invaded Gaza under the pretext of Hamas, and now it is shedding blood in Lebanon under the pretext of Hezbollah. After martyring Ismail Haniyeh, the last elected prime minister of Palestine, in Tehran, they recently murdered Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Once again, I wish Allah's mercy on our Palestinian and Lebanese brothers and sisters who lost their lives in Israeli attacks.”
Stating that international law has been completely put aside, President Erdoğan said: “Every time the region comes close to a ceasefire, peace and tranquility, the Israeli government launches a provocation that will dynamite the process. They resort to every means to spread the fire all over the region and drown our geography in blood and tears.”
With regard to Israel’ss declaration of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres as “persona non grata,” President Erdoğan said: “I believe 196 countries will support the Secretary General of the United Nations.”
“We are faced with a state of madness that takes pleasure in killing even infants. Despite all these facts, unfortunately, Western powers continue to provide weapons, ammunition, intelligence and diplomatic support to this network of massacre. It is clear where the thousands of tons of bombs raining down on Gaza and Lebanon come from, where they are produced and by whom they are supplied. With all due respect, those who supply those bombs are as much complicit in every drop of blood spilled as those who drop the bombs. I have to state very clearly here that an insidious plan has been put into practice in our region that will not be limited to Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. One does not need to be an augur to see and understand where the ultimate goal of this plan lies,” President Erdoğan said.
Stating that anyone who knows history, the history of religions, politics and diplomacy will easily understand the connection of the issue with Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the delusion of the “promised land”, President Erdoğan said: “We all know very well what the Promised Land is. At a distance of 30 kilometers, they are in a race, so to speak, to challenge Türkiye. We are very well aware of them. The current Israeli administration reveals its real intentions with every statement it makes and every map it shares.”
Emphasizing that Türkiye is following the developments on the ground very closely, President Erdoğan said that Türkiye is advancing its cooperation with its neighbors and all brotherly countries in the region.
Stating that they are endeavoring to strengthen the front of humanity against the oppressors, President Erdoğan said: “We are trying to minimize our external dependence in the defense industry and strongly support domestic and national production. We are constantly reinforcing our resilience against state-sponsored cyber-attacks and acts of digital terrorism. Electronic warfare and national software are already high on our agenda. “We are taking firm steps towards our goal of a country that not only uses technology, but also designs, develops, produces and exports it. We are remarkably strong in a wide range of fields, from tanks to armored vehicles, from warships to submarines, from aircraft to helicopters, from armed and unarmed unmanned aerial vehicles to air defense systems,” President Erdoğan said.
Stating that they have repeatedly experienced that technology means not only development and prosperity but also independence, security and sovereignty, President Erdoğan said: “This is why we are proud of Bayraktar, ANKA, Akıncı, Aksungur, Kızılelma, Atak, Hürkuş, Hürjet, Gökbey, Kaan, Anadolu, Altay and many more defense capabilities that increase the deterrence of our country.”
Underscoring that Türkiye always favors peace, President Erdoğan said: “We are doing all this not because we are eager for war, but to properly protect our homeland and our citizens from evil. In the face of the madness in our region, we will stand on the side of the oppressed and on the side of justice, as we have done so far.”
“We will not allow our region to be torn into pieces again with a new Sykes-Picot partition,” President Erdoğan underlined.