We determinedly maintain the reforms aimed at strengthening our nation’s unity

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the opening ceremony of multiple projects in Diyarbakır.
“We have not allowed those who have sought to turn a huge geography, whose symbol is Diyarbakır, into a tool of their ideological deviances,” President Erdoğan underscored, and noted: “We have not bow down to those who have sought to stab their poisonous roots, fed by Europe and America, into the heart of our geography. We have patiently revealed one by one the dirty faces of those who have exploited everything and consorted to every avenue to set our people against us.”
“We determinedly maintain the reforms aimed at clearing the stones, thorns, traps before our country, and strengthening our nation’s unity and solidarity. We will not allow anyone to hamper the climate of peace and security we have made prevail in every inch of our country, Diyarbakır in particular, and the will to increase development, production and employment. Just as it was us who resolved Türkiye’s democratic and economic problems in the past, it will be us who will resolve its every problem from now on as well,” President Erdoğan said.