“We have never bowed down to terrorist organizations or antidemocratic circles”

Addressing AK Party’s provincial heads, President Erdoğan said: “Thank Allah, we have not done anything to date that would embarrass us before our nation. We have never bowed down to the tutelage, mafia, gangs, terrorist organizations, injustice, lawlessness, or to the antidemocratic circles that serve as the guardians of the status quo.”
President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the AK Party’s Provincial Heads Meeting in Ankara.
President Erdoğan said: “We as the AK Party are by no means a cadre that brags or gets arrogant or misinterprets the nation’s support. All should know that we are a political party which set out to serve the nation and which grows by serving the nation. Next month, we will be completing the 22nd year since we assumed the responsibility of ruling Türkiye. Since November 3, 2002, we have been working tirelessly day and night with love, with the maxim, ‘he who runs with love never gets tired.’”
President Erdoğan stated: “We have been sincerely endeavoring to live up to the will our nation entrusted to our honor, with pride and without allowing any disgrace to it. Thank Allah, we have not done anything to date that would embarrass us before our nation. There were days when we challenged the coup plotters that targeted the national will. There were days when we put our lives on the line against bloodthirsty terrorist organizations. There were days when we stood up to the elites that consider themselves as the owners of the country. There were days when we fought against the bureaucratic oligarchy. There were days when we showed it to the imperialists and their proxies that this country is not alone. We have never bowed down to the tutelage, mafia, gangs, terrorist organizations, injustice, lawlessness, or to the antidemocratic circles that serve as the guardians of the status quo. They issued midnight memoranda; we torn them up and threw them into dustbin. They attempted to stage a coup through street terror during the Gezi incidents; we firmly defended our democracy. They conducted an operation against the elected government with the February 7 MİT crisis and then with the December 17-25 attempt; we surrendered to none of these. Standing shoulder to shoulder with our beloved nation, we taught their place to the weapons that spewed death, to the planes that sprayed bombs, and to the FETO-member traitors that cowardly and treacherously fired on the nation on the night of July 15.”
Stressing that with the death of the main traitor, the hearts of martyrs’ families have cooled a bit, the veterans have found some solace, and the fate that awaits those who betray Türkiye has been clearly visible, President Erdoğan underscored that these traitors, who died a dishonorable death, cannot escape the divine justice even though they died without being held to account in this world for the young brains they enslaved and the martyrs’ blood they shed. President Erdoğan added that Türkiye will continue its determined fight until FETO is totally eliminated, both at home and abroad.