“We will ensure permanent increase in prosperity”

Speaking during an iftar with laborers, President Erdoğan said: “As the state’s obligations towards the earthquake zone decrease, we will continue to offer the remaining resources for the use of our people, particularly retirees and employees. Also, we will ensure permanent increase in the prosperity of all walks of life by reducing inflation back to single digits.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed the Laborers of the Century of Türkiye Iftar Event in Istanbul.
Noting that they, in whatever office they have come to, have always worked to ensure that employees are duly rewarded for their labor, President Erdoğan described preventing employees from being overburdened by inflation as one of their principles, and said: “We have never compromised this stance of ours despite the pandemics, regional wars, global economic crisis, and the February 6 earthquakes, the Disaster of the Century, which all have taken place one after another in recent years. We endeavor to keep at a minimum the financial burden our people come under due to regional crises and instabilities.”
Drawing attention to the wage and pension raises during their terms in office since 2002, President Erdoğan stated: “As the state’s obligations towards the earthquake zone decrease, we will continue to offer the remaining resources for the use of our people, particularly retirees and employees. Also, we will ensure permanent increase in the prosperity of all walks of life by reducing inflation back to single digits.”