
“Ankara’s fight against terror is neither over nor slowed down”


Presidential spokesman İbrahim Kalın delivered a speech  reporters following a Cabinet meeting at the presidential complex.

Turkey continues to be vigilant although its anti-terror operation in northern Syria dealt a heavy blow to terrorists aiming to establish a terror corridor in Syria, said Turkish presidential spokesman on Monday.

"The Operation Peace Spring has eliminated to a large extent the aims of establishing a terror corridor, even a terrorist state, in northern Syria,” Ibrahim Kalin.

 “A considerable blow was dealt on this terror corridor. However, Turkey continues to be vigilant,” Kalin added.

The YPG/PKK terrorists’ withdrawal from Turkish borders after the operation “doesn’t mean the war [on terror] is over or slowed down”, the spokesman added.

Pointing to the claims that Turkey’s anti-terror operation in Syria was “undermining the fight” against Daesh/ISIS terrorists, Kalin said those claims are made just to “protect the YPG/PKK terrorists.”

According to the Turkish intelligence, Kalin said, the YPG terror group was targeting Turkish and Syrian National Army (SNA) soldiers in Syria’s northeastern Tal Tamr town in the western al-Hasakah province, where normally there were no conflicts.

“Turkey expects its allies, either the U.S., EU or any other country, assume a clear stance against all kinds of terror. Recognizing the PKK as terror group on paper is not enough. What you practiced is important,” Kalin said.

The presidential spokesman also noted that initiatives have been launched in the UN High Commissioner’s Office for return of Syrian refugees.

Kalin also commented on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s possible visit to the U.S., saying Turkey was not the party that sought the visit. "Our evaluations continue on whether [visit] will take place or not," he added.

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