"Greece follows 'two-faced' diplomacy toward Ankara"

Defence Minister Hulusi Akar spoke to reporters in the capital Ankara on Monday.
"Despite all our well-intentioned efforts, unfortunately, our neighbor Greece continues to increase the tension with some provocative actions and rhetoric every time. We do our best to prevent this," Akar told.
His remarks came after two Greek Coast Guard boats on Saturday opened fire on a ro-ro ship 11 miles off Türkiye's northwestern Bozcaada island.
Comoros-flagged "Anatolian" ship with 18 crew -- six Egyptian, four Somali, five Azerbaijani, and three Turkish nationals -- was attacked while sailing in international waters.
"Right after this (incident), the politicians in Greece accused Türkiye of aggression. What is this, if not hypocrisy? That's why we ask that don't they have a mirror in their house? If they look in the mirror, they will see the truth and maybe they will be ashamed," Akar said.
He stressed that Greece tries its best to "exploit and distort" every event, to influence third parties with "lies and slander," and to complain about Türkiye to third parties, adding: "In this sense, it is not wrong to say that a two-faced policy is being followed. There is a two-faced policy."
Akar said Türkiye calls for dialogue to peacefully solve the bilateral problems.
Türkiye, a NATO member for more than 70 years, has complained of repeated provocative actions and rhetoric by Greece in the region in recent months, including arming islands near Turkish shores that are demilitarized under a treaty, saying that such moves frustrate its good faith efforts for peace.
Akar reiterated that Greece harassed Turkish jets by putting radar locks, saying: "This is a hostile attitude, ... they show hostile behavior. These are unacceptable. This is great hypocrisy. This has to be seen."
Turkish jets engaged in NATO missions over the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean seas on Aug. 23 were harassed by a Russian-made S-300 air defense system stationed on the Greek island of Crete.