"It is a disgraceful scandal that a blind eye was turned to an overt propaganda of the PKK terrorist organization and to insults to our country"

Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın made statements and answered reporters’ questions in a press conference following the meeting of the Presidential Cabinet at the Presidential Complex.
“I am holding this press conference following the 22nd Cabinet Meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The Cabinet Meeting began with President Erdoğan’s remarks. Significant topics on our agenda were discussed.
President Erdoğan made remarks on the recent sorrowful incidents we experienced successively and also assessed the responses to, the measures taken for these incidents and the practices on the ground. I would like to underline a point here, which was also noted by President Erdoğan. These incidents have deeply saddened and wounded all of us. However, they also brought us together as a nation. All means and capabilities of our nation and our state have been mobilized for the earthquake in Elazığ and Malatya, then for our martyred soldiers in Idlib, and then for the avalanche and the plane accident that happened yesterday. The necessary steps have been swiftly taken to aid the injured.
An important issue high on our agenda is the latest developments in Syria, especially in Idlib. As you know, we, as one of the guarantors of the Astana process, have been working in cooperation with Russia and Iran in Syria in a bid to further the political process, end the clashes and help the Constitutional Committee finalize its efforts. These works, ongoing nearly for two years, have indeed yielded important results on the ground. What is more, Turkey, as an actor of the ongoing Geneva process as well, lends effective support to the works carried out under the UN roof.
However, as Mr. President noted in his speech at the Parliament yesterday, we have recently entered a new period given the ongoing attacks by the regime in Idlib. Mr. President clearly and overtly outlined the parameters of this period yesterday. Within this context, we are constantly in contact with both the Russian and Iranian authorities. Our relevant friends have been talking these issues with their counterparts since yesterday.
As was agreed upon in the phone call Mr. President had the previous day with Mr. Putin, we are now waiting for a military committee from Russia to visit Turkey. In their meeting, the relevant military and intelligence personnel as well as other concerning officials will address the developments in Idlib in a detailed manner.
However, I hereby would like to summarize the parameters of this new period as well. First of all, have no do doubt that whatever is necessary will be done without hesitation for the protection of our troops in Syria.
Our military observation posts will remain at their current location. It is out of the question for them to change their location. The lines we accept are the ones which were established in the Sochi and Idlib agreements as the de-escalation zones. As of now, we cannot give consent to any change in these lines. Within these lines, we, as the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Armed Forces, will do anything necessary, including enforcements, deployment, additional support, etc., in order to protect both the civilians and our troops.
Likewise, our relevant bodies like AFAD and Red Crescent as well as our NGOs will carry on their efforts in order to prevent a new refugee influx and to enable civilians to remain at their places.
One of the primary issues for us is that the regime pull out of the areas it has entered and withdraw to the lines of de-escalation zone. This is an issue I would like to underline once again in order to emphasize its unquestionable importance. The regime has violated the Idlib agreement hundreds of times to date. From now on, there will be very heavy consequences for any mistake the regime would make under the guise of fighting terrorist groups. We have conveyed this message to our Russian counterparts as well. This is a point I hereby would like to reiterate.
It is evident that what the regime seeks is not peace, political solution or the furthering of the process, but rather is war and to grab all these places by bombarding and displacing people without discrimination. However, we, as Turkey, will continue to fulfill our responsibilities.
Let me especially note that we have been taking all the additional measures for the security of our troops.
As I have already stated, there are also important responsibilities that fall on the international community in this matter. Doing nothing on the ground and just appreciating and thanking Turkey for protection of civilians, prevention of migration waves and delivery of humanitarian aid in Idlib doesn’t make the international community’s responsibilities disappear. Quite the contrary, the international community should also assume responsibility here in every area, including in diplomacy, politics, humanitarian relief, etc. As Turkey, we have amply fulfilled our responsibilities and will continue to do so. However, I would like to reiterate that this issue in not related solely to us.
As you know Mr. President has proposed the building of brick houses which can be constructed in a short span of time. Works to this end continue in order to enable people from Idlib to stay there. Germany has provided contributions in this regard and we expect to achieve results in the next couple of days. We hope this will set an example to other countries as well.
Other issues concerning Syria will of course be on the agenda in our talks with relevant actors in the day to come. There may be another meeting of Astana process in March, an issue our friends have been working on. There may also be new meetings at leaders’ level. However, we are awaiting in Turkey the Russian military committee in the first instance. We envisage that a new roadmap will be drawn up following our relevant friends’ detailed works with their Russian counterparts.
As you know, certain steps have been taken to achieve ceasefire following the Berlin Conference and one of the concrete outcomes has been the Military Committee Meeting held in Geneva in the last couple of days. As you know, it was planned within the framework of the agreement reached in Berlin that both Sarraj and Haftar would send 5 officers to discuss the parameters, framework and mechanisms of the ceasefire. After days of stalling, the Haftar side finally agreed to send officers to the committee. Meetings were held. We know that the last meeting was held today. We will make our evaluation after we receive the content of the discussions there, the outcomes, the decisions made and agreements reached there.
Turkey’s involvement in the process has brought balance to the Libyan crisis, which is clearly voiced by all our allies. Those, who in the earlier days voiced objections like “What is Turkey doing in Libya? Why is Turkey getting involved in this?” now acknowledge that Turkey’s involvement has brought balance to the process in Libya. It has also been clearly revealed that Haftar is not a reliable actor.
Although the international community seems to pressure Haftar, we know that Haftar is still in favor of war, is still making plans to seize Tripoli and consolidating its forces. We also know that nearly 10 thousand armed men on Haftar’s side have come from various places, including Sudan’s Janjaweed militia, from Niger, Chad and from Russia through the Wagner Group. They all constitute serious obstacles before the political process.
Another practice by Haftar which harms the Libyan people is blocking the oil fields, which was raised during the Berlin Conference. The fact that no step has been taken on this issue although it has been three weeks since then shows that those backing Haftar are being complacent. We are noting that putschist Haftar is not a reliable actor. We will continue to support the legitimate Sarraj Government in order to advance the process under the roof of the UN.
We will incessantly continue to conduct seismic exploration and drilling both in Eastern Mediterranean and in the zone between Turkey and Libya in accordance with our agreement with the legitimate Libyan Government. I would like to reiterate that Turkey is fully determined on this matter.
Another important topic on our agenda today was the Palestinian issue. It is now evident that the plan, proposed as a peace plan, is not a peace or solution plan. This plan totally eliminates the two-state solution formula. There is not even an entity here defined as the State of Palestine. They are talking about certain areas of land, dissolved and divided to pieces within Israel. It is not a state. The plan proposes that the State of Palestine shall not have any security force, that the air access shall be completely controlled by Israel. It is clear that such proposals contradict with the most fundamental characteristics of a state which is sovereign rights. We know that Netanyahu – both in power or opposition - has never believed in a two-state solution and has taken steps and developed discourses to completely eliminate the two-state solution. Therefore, it is not possible to see this plan as a contribution or support to the two-state solution, accepted for years by the international community.
The second important topic on our agenda is the al-Quds issue. As President Erdoğan has said repeatedly, al-Quds is our red line. Metamorphosing Al-Quds’ historical and religious identity or any such steps are unacceptable historically, socially, religiously, conscientiously and politically. Moreover, we see in this plan that a small neighborhood east of East al-Quds is proposed as the capital of this so-called state let alone East al-Quds being designated as the capital of the State of Palestine. It is evident that the plan has nothing to do with the two-state solution or the concerns about al-Quds.
Another issue here is the refugees’ right of return, which is one of the most important weaknesses, shortcomings and mistakes in this plan. Revoking nearly 7 million Palestinian refugees’ right of return to their historical and ancestral lands means this is not a peace plan but a deprivation and destruction plan. It is also clear that this plan is not a new plan. This is Ariel Sharon’s plan. This is a plan based on the aggressive and destructive perspective which disregards the Palestinian people and it was proposed during Sharon’s administration. It will not bring about peace, stability or solution. This plan and those backing it clearly envisage a Palestine without any people, any land, history or state. No one with a conscience and reason can possibly accept that.
Let me also underline that the current position of the Arab world encourages Israel in these issues. Some Arab countries backing this plan and sending their ambassadors to the meeting, where the plan was unveiled, contradict with historical and political facts. Obviously, they must figure themselves how to give an account for their actions to their people and to all rational and conscientious people in the world.
Turkey will continue to stand with the Palestinian people in their rightful cause and to raise this issue on international platforms. Meanwhile, some welcome developments have also occurred over the past few weeks. It is pleasing that the plan, which has been rejected by Mr. President for the first time, has also been rejected by the Arab League, the European Union and during the Ministerial Meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
As you know, Mahmoud Abbas will go to New York in the upcoming days, and a special session will be held at the United Nations. I would like to stress that we will support the Palestinian people during their works there.
Lastly, before passing on to your questions, as you know, a meeting was held yesterday, and today as well, at the European Parliament. We already made a statement regarding this issue yesterday, but I would like to raise it once again in order to underline its gravity.
The meeting, which was held at the EP under the pretext of addressing Kurds’ future, turned into a platform where terrorists spread their propaganda and sought to legitimize themselves. Those, who participated in this meeting alongside terrorists, have openly supported terrorism. As we stated yesterday, this is a convincing proof that the EP commits a crime by supporting terrorism.
Let me also stress that those who claim they protect Kurds and guide them have no intention but to use Kurds as a tool in their own regional designs. Those who seek to implement their own political plans and programmes by using Kurds will sooner or later be disappointed. The strongest response to them will be given by the Kurds in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. We all know with what mentality and under which terrorist organization the Kurds, who have been deceived by this game, act. Let me reiterate that they do not and cannot represent Kurds.
Some circles in Turkey are trying to impose the terrorist organization’s agenda as if it were Kurds’ agenda. We know that this is in no way connected to Kurds’ true agenda and to their perception of history, environment, geography, citizenship and companionship. The entire world sees who, with what purposes, supports these organizations, this terrorist organization and its extensions in Syria and Iraq.”