“Only with a perfectly-functioning legal system can we provide a bright future for our country”

Speaking at the appointment ceremony of judges and public prosecutors, President Erdoğan said: “We are aware that the path to the Century of Türkiye is through compensating for the shortcomings of the functioning of the legal system together with other areas. We can provide a bright future for our country only if our legal system functions perfectly, justice is served truly and the confidence in the judiciary is strengthened.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at a ceremony held at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center for the appointment of judges and public prosecutors.
Underscoring that they have receive saddening news from Iran today, President Erdoğan stressed: “We have been informed that President Ebrahim Raisi of the Islamic Republic of Iran and his accompanying delegation passed away in a helicopter crash. I wish Allah’s mercy upon the late Raisi as well as Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs and other officials, who lost their lives in the crash. I hereby would firstly like to voice our deep sadness over this tragic crash. On behalf of myself, my country and nation, I extend my condolences to the Iranian people.”
Stating that rapid progress can be made in economy and democracy to the extent as to how firm the confidence in justice is built, President Erdoğan said: “We are aware that the path to the Century of Türkiye is through compensating for the shortcomings of the functioning of the legal system together with other areas. We can provide a bright future for our country only if our legal system functions perfectly, justice is served truly and the confidence in the judiciary is strengthened.”
President Erdoğan noted: “We always remember that any current or future setback concerning these issues will slow us down and keep us away from our goals. In this sense, we attach critical importance to the reform will in the area of justice and law being strong. We will continue to take new steps from now on as well in order for our legal system to become transparent, for accountability to be increased and for the independence and impartiality of the judiciary to be strengthened. We expect all the stakeholders of politics to support the efforts carried out to that end.”