“Our revenge will be painful”

Turkey’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun decried the execution of 13 Turkish citizens in a cave in northern Iraq.
“PKK, a designated terrorist organization in Turkey, the United States and the European Union, murdered 13 Turkish citizens who were held in northern Iraq. They were brave sons of Turkey, a key NATO ally and a key contributor to the global war on terror,” Turkey’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said on Twitter.
Noting that Turkey will continue its counter-terrorism efforts with “unwavering determination until the terror threat is completely and permanently eliminated,” Altun said necessary steps will also be taken against those promoting and encouraging terrorism at home and abroad.
Referring to the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which is accused by the government of having links to the PKK terror group, he said: “Have you no shame? Are you so afraid of your gun-waving masters that you can’t even condemn this crime against humanity?
“Today, your silence means tacit consent – and complicity”
He also criticized western nations for their "deafening silence" on the incident.
“The West’s deafening silence in the face of PKK’s terror attacks and heinous crimes, too, serves as a reminder that there is a big difference between talking about democracy, rights and the law, and actually supporting those principles. Hence your utter lack of credibility,” he said.
“Our revenge will be painful. Our justice will be swift,” he added.