President Erdoğan attends completion ceremony of Samsun-Sivas Railway Modernization Project

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the completion ceremony of Samsun-Sivas Railway Modernization Project at Samsun Train Station.
Delivering a speech at the ceremony, President Erdoğan, underscoring that they have built high-speed railway lines on which both passenger and freight trains can run, said that they have also built an uninterrupted railway line connection from London to China with such strategic projects as the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Line, and modernized Turkey’s entire railway infrastructure.
Describing the Samsun-Sivas Railway Modernization Project as Turkey’s biggest railway modernization investment, President Erdoğan noted: “The €153-million part of this investment, whose total amount reaches 350 million Euros, was met by the European Union grant funds. The 431-kilometer railway line between Samsun and Sivas was modernized with all its infrastructure and superstructure within the project. While the 17 of the 40 historical bridges were reinforced, all of the historical bridges were renovated. Moreover, 37 bridges were demolished and rebuilt, and 121 railroad crossings were repaired.”