President Erdoğan attends opening ceremony of academic year 2021-2022

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the opening ceremony of academic year 2021-2022 at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center in Ankara.
Drawing attention to the major setbacks experienced due to the coronavirus pandemic since March 2020, President Erdoğan underscored that except for classroom lockdowns, school, district or provincial lockdowns were from now on out of question, and said: “Today, we are having the pleasure of beginning both the new academic year and in-person classes in higher education. We are determined to uninterruptedly maintain education at our universities by taking necessary precautions against the threat of pandemic. I think it’s in everyone’s best interest to duly make all their plans and preparations.”
Stressing that the global political and economic transformation as well as such critical developments as the climate change had forced all to develop a strong vision that set goals for the next decade and implement it with resolution, President Erdoğan stated: “We believe that we can realize such a vision through both the support of us as the government and the resources our universities will develop themselves. We have all seen during the pandemic that we have the necessary infrastructure and sagacity on this issue in many fields, from healthcare to industry. We have now entered a new period in which we should achieve a determining and leading position instead of being a copier or a follower.”