President Erdoğan: Fighting against these murderers is the common responsibility of us all

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at a consultation meeting with district muftis at the Exhibition Hall within the Presidential Complex.
Greeting all members of the Religious Affairs Presidency, serving in 922 districts of Türkiye’s 81 provinces, President Erdoğan said: “Various matters, ranging from the protection of family to education policies and religious services in light of new developments in the world, will be discussed during the congress. I believe the results to be accumulated through the assessments, experience-sharing and workshops here, will guide you in your religious services and efforts for counselling. The congress will also contribute to enhancing the cooperation and solidarity among nearly 900 district muftis, serving in 81 provinces of Türkiye.”
“Our scholars play essential roles not only in mosques’ rostrums, minbars or mihrabs, but also in every phase of our lives,” President Erdoğan said.
“It is also the men of religion who have the greatest responsibility for guiding and informing the youth, for meeting their needs for education and prayer,” President Erdoğan underscored.
“It is impossible to reach your goals if there is a problem with the procedure and the method no matter how well-intentioned the effort is. You cannot serve Islam or pursue the Islamic cause through unIslamic, inhumane and immoral ways and methods. No excuse can justify massacring innocent civilians, school kids, people praying at a mosque,” President Erdoğan said.
Condemning the terror attack in Mogadishu, President Erdoğan said: “The perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which claimed the lives of over 100 brothers and sisters of ours in Somalia the day before yesterday, have nothing to do with Islam, sharia or humanity in any way.”
Wishing Allah’s mercy upon the people who died in the attack, and extending his condolences to their families and the Somali people, President Erdoğan said: “Türkiye will continue to stand by Somalia during these most trying days.”
“I would like to underscore once again that all these organizations, whether they be named DAESH, Boko Haram or the FETO, are deviant and perverted structures which abuse our religion for their dirty ambitions. These despicable people, planted among us as Trojan horses by imperialists, are savages, who sold their souls to the devil and severed all their ties with humanity. Fighting against these herds of murderers, who drown the Islamic world in blood and tears, is the common responsibility not only of the security forces, but also of us all, particularly our scholars. We are a nation, who lost thousands of sons and daughters to the PKK terror, its brightest children to the FETO terrorist organization for a period, and hundreds of citizens to DAESH attacks. We cannot allow such tragedies, betrayals and treacherous acts to happen ever again,” President Erdoğan said.