
President Erdoğan issued a message on the 6th anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan issued a message on the 6th anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO).

Conveying his condolences to the Turkish people and martyrs’ relatives, President Erdoğan said: “I offer my gratitude to each one of my citizens who joined the historic revival with their hearts beating for the love of Türkiye on the night of July 15, and to all of my brothers and sisters who were honored with the title of Ghazi that night. The dignity of the children of this nation, who rushed to streets and squares without hesitation right after the onset of the coup attempt and used their bodies as a shield against tanks, planes, helicopters and weapons, is beyond words. Without doubt, the real importance of the July 15 for us arises from the fact that it symbolizes the first glorious and effective resistance our people had ever waged against coups that had plagued our nation throughout history. We established our Republic with the National Struggle we put up a century ago. We launched our Democracy with the national will that emerged from ballot boxes in 1950. And since 2002, we have been engaged in the biggest move forward of the history of Türkiye in terms of investments and development in every area. On the night of July 15 coup attempt, we defended our Republic, our democracy and all of these achievements at the cost of our lives. Banding together and staging an epic resistance against putschists, we showed it to foes and friends alike that Türkiye can never be taken hostage and the Turkish people can never be brought to their knees.”

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