President Erdoğan: It is in our hands to determine when life will return to normal in our country

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed the nation from Huber Villa in Istanbul and announced the new measures taken against the COVID-19.
Stating that Turkey determinedly continues its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, President Erdoğan underscored that Turkey displays an uncompromising stance ─ in terms of preparation, materials and intervention ─ during a process in which even the world’s most developed countries experience a state of great confusion.
“Turkey is one of the most prepared countries for this global pandemic and the major crisis that has started with it,” President Erdoğan pointed out. “All we have to do is to firmly protect our unity and solidarity and strictly adhere to the rules until the pandemic threat is over. The Science Board established within the Ministry of Health instantly follows the progress of the disease in our country and the world. Appropriate measures that need to be taken are determined by the Board and our government is advised accordingly. And we, as the Presidency, together with our relevant ministries and institutions, make our decisions and implement them, taking all developments in our country and the world into consideration. As of tonight, we are adding new ones to the steps we have taken thus far as part of the fight against the pandemic.”
President Erdoğan elaborated that according to the new measures, the entry to and exit from 30 big cities and Zonguldak, where pulmonary diseases are often seen, will be banned as of tonight for 15 days apart from specific exceptions; a partial curfew will be introduced for those under the age of 20; and as of tomorrow everyone will be obliged to put on mask in crowded places such as bazaars and supermarkets.
President Erdoğan said: “It is in our hands as the 83 million citizens to determine when life will return to normal in our country. The more strictly we adhere to the rules, the faster we curb the spread of the outbreak and thus completely eliminate the threat. Otherwise, it will be inevitable for us to fall into the situation which some countries we are today sadly following have found themselves in.”