President Erdoğan marks 743rd anniversary of Turkish language

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan marked the 743rd anniversary of the Turkish language Wednesday.
In 1277, Mehmet I of Karaman, a province in central Anatolia, declared Turkish as the official language of the Karamanid dynasty.
"We always defended the interests of our country and the right of the oppressed in Turkish," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Twitter.
"After that, we will put up a fight for our rights and justice by speaking Turkish.”
Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University rector Mehmet Akgul also issued a statement congratulating the Turkish Language Festival.
Highlighting the importance of language for nations, Akgul underlined that it is Turkey’s "greatest responsibility" to protect and develop the Turkish language against the adverse effects of other languages.
Additionally, Karaman Governor Fahri Meral and Mayor Savas Kalayci laid a wreath on the Ataturk monument in the city center as part of events marking the anniversary.
Separately, a statue of Mehmet I of Karaman was inaugurated during a ceremony in Alanya district of Antalya province.
Meanwhile, hailing the initiative of Mehmet I of Karaman, Kirklareli Governor Osman Bilgin said in a statement that language is "undoubtedly" one of the most important aspects of cultural heritage for the protection of national valuesand their transfer from generation to generation.
Located in south central Anatolia, currently Karaman in Turkey, the Karamanid dynasty was one of the most powerful Turkic dynasties in the 13th century.