President Erdoğan performs Friday prayer at Kerem Aydınlar Mosque in Istanbul
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan performed Friday prayer at Kerem Aydınlar Mosque in the Üsküdar district of Istanbul.
President Erdoğan answered reporters’ questions following the prayer.
In answer to a question about US President Joe Biden’s remarks regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Erdoğan said that it was unacceptable for a head of state to make such remarks about the president of a state like Russia. President Erdoğan added that Russian President Putin did what was necessary by giving a very smart and appropriate response.
Answering a question about possible agenda items of the videoconference scheduled to be held today with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, President Erdoğan said that the suspension of EU sanctions on Turkey, the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey’s expectations of the EU as a NATO member state, the customs union, the visa issue and other similar topics would be discussed during the videoconference.
Reminded of the two rockets the PKK/YPG terrorist organization fired yesterday evening on civilian residential areas in Kilis, President Erdoğan stressed that the attacks were unacceptable and that Turkey would respond in kind.