President Erdoğan: The European Union should approach its relations with Turkey from a strategic perspective

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Pedro Sánchez of the Government of Spain held a joint press conference following their bilateral meeting and the 7th Turkey-Spain Intergovernmental Summit at the Presidential Complex.
Noting that the Intergovernmental Summit meetings, held since 2009, was the highest platform for discussing the bilateral relations between Turkey and Spain, President Erdoğan said: “During today’s summit, we have decided to define our relations as ‘comprehensive partnership’ in the period ahead. Also, by forming a ‘Summit Follow-up Mechanism,’ we have begun to closely monitor the implementation of the matters we have decided on, and established a framework to plan the new steps we will take.”
Stating that the bilateral trade volume between Turkey and Spain had already reached the numbers of the previous year despite the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Erdoğan said: “However, this does not mean we have achieved our goal of $20 billion. We have set a goal of $20 billion and I believe my dear friend and I will achieve it. We will hold the 2nd meeting of the Turkey-Spain Joint Economy and Trade Committee in the 1st quarter of 2022; and subsequently the Business Forum in June with a wide participation.”
President Erdoğan continued his remarks as follows: “We are pleased to have over 600 Spanish companies investing in Turkey. I once again repeat my call to our Spanish friends to invest more in their reliable partner, Turkey. As you know, our call has already been heeded. The announcements by the Spanish bank, BBVA, are the most concrete indicator of the confidence in Turkey.”
“Turkey and Spain, with their strategic locations at the Eastern and Western ends of Europe, are two NATO allies that are the cornerstone of European security and welfare,” President Erdoğan said. “Spain, with its Patriot systems stationed in Turkey since 2015, has been showing how the allied solidarity is supposed to be. Unfortunately, many European countries withdrew their Patriots that had been deployed here, but Spain did not do that. I would like to take this occasion to thank once again to our Spanish friends. I hope this attitude of Spain will be taken as an example by some of our other allies. We are carrying out numerous projects with Spain, especially in defense industry. Given the potential of our countries, we desire to further deepen our cooperation in this field.”
Noting that he and President Sánchez also discussed the Turkey-EU relations during their meeting, President Erdoğan said: “I thanked him for Spain’s support so far to enhancing Turkey-EU relations. We as Turkey have displayed our principled attitude and efforts in favor of dialogue and diplomacy with the aim of implementing the positive agenda. Henceforth, the European Union should approach its relations with our country from a strategic perspective, and take concrete steps. Works to update the Customs Union and to grant visa liberalization to our citizens should commence as soon as possible. Petty calculations of some member countries should not be allowed to undermine the European Union and NATO-EU relations. Turkey and Spain, which guard the borders of NATO and Europe, shoulder major burden regarding irregular migration. I would like to take this occasion to once again underscore the necessity of producing joint policies for fair burden-sharing. I believe it will be beneficial for all parties that Spain continue its precious support to date.”
President Erdoğan ended his remarks as follows: “As architects of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Project, we attach importance to standing in closer solidarity in order to ensure an atmosphere of peace, stability and prosperity across the world,” President Erdoğan said. “This initiative shows the soft power of Turkey and Spain. I hope the value of the Alliance of Civilizations Initiative will be better appreciated today as the far right rises, racist, Islamophobic and xenophobic acts take place more and more often. This initiative, whose seed we planted 16 years ago, offers a significant way-out in terms of the challenges our world is faced with today. We fully support High Representative Mr. Moratinos. The Turkish ambassador, appointed to be in charge of the Geneva office, will give a boost to the initiative. We will also speed up the process of our Alliance opening up a regional office in Istanbul.”
Following the press conference, President Erdoğan hosted an official dinner at the Presidential Complex in honor of President Pedro Sánchez of the Government of Spain.