
President Erdoğan: The great and strong Turkey will be the most valuable legacy we will leave our children


President and Justice and Development (AK) Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at a meeting with the party’s Antalya branch.

Drawing attention to the Antalya Diplomacy Forum which was held for the first time yesterday with the participation of many heads of state and government as well as countless guests from across the world, President Erdoğan noted that Antalya has now become home to such global meetings.


“We do what falls to us in every field to achieve the progresses the people of Antalya wait excitedly, President Erdoğan said: “The vaccination drive, which has become an international standard in eliminating the negative effects of the pandemic, continues at full speed. The countries which have critical importance in terms of our tourism sector have gradually started to ease travel restrictions. Russia will lift the bans as of Tuesday and immediately afterwards Russian tourists will start to pour into our Antalya. Likewise, Germany has already lifted the bans. There is a situation with the U.K., but I discussed what was necessary with Mr. Boris Johnson. Mr. Ersoy is also following the issue. I believe that the U.K. will hopefully lift the bans as well. We have also got positive news from the Netherlands. Such news will inshallah come from other places, too.”

Also touching upon the place Turkey has achieved in defense industry, President Erdoğan said the rate of domestic production, which once stood at 20 percent, has now increased to some 70 percent, and that Turkey today produces its own unmanned combat aerial vehicles.

“The great and strong Turkey, which we work to build without compromising our reformist and innovative spirit in any field, will be the most valuable legacy we will leave our children,” President Erdoğan noted.


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